Angel Interfaith Network Newsletter November 2020

Welcome Fall! We look forward to lower temps, shorter days, warm sweaters and safely  celebrating the holidays with family and friends.This Thanksgiving we remain grateful for  your faithful support and donations.Your generosity has made it possible for Angel Interfaith  Network to continue to meet the needs of patients and their families at LAC+USC.   

Thank yous!
● In collaboration with Shelter Partnership Inc.,Angel Interfaith Network received TWO full  pallets of shoes, diapers, miscellaneous baby and hygiene products along with adult,  children and infant  clothing. These  items were provided to LAC+USC CARES & Volunteers Program to be distributed to the patients and families in need.

● In partnership with LAC+USC, CARES & Volunteers Program held a clothing  drive  bene􀀁ting  Angel  Interfaith Network. Generous employees filled SIX bins with gently used  adult, children and infant clothing. These items will restock the shelves so that we can respond to the needs of patients and families as winter approaches.

● Special  thanks to Rev. Nancy  Moore and the Los  Angeles Offices of Life, Peace and  Justice. During the pandemic surge, their support and donations have allowed Angel  Interfaith  Network to continue  providing  food  gift  cards  for patients with nowhere to turn. As of July 2020, Angel Interfaith Network has provided $6,000 in food gift cards.

● Thank you to our special donors, Ms. Jeannette Coontz, Crochet Fiber Artist and  Rochelle  Shaposhnick  Briggs. Ms. Coontz crocheted and donated 30 beautiful  afghans for patients of LAC+USC Outpatient Chemotherapy Unit. Ms.Briggs shared her sewing  talents with Angel Interfaith Network by donating face covers.They were provided to and appreciated by patients and staff at LAC+USC   


Busy at the helm are Elisa Larios,(Left) St. Camillus Administrative  Assistant and Maria Salazar (Right) Angel  Interfaith  Administrative  Assistant preparing to mail Food Gift Cards to clients in need. 

Those We Serve:

● Susan S is a patient who suffers from a chronic health condition and she lost her job due  to the Covid Pandemic. She just recently returned to work, but was past due with her  utility  bills. Angel Interfaith Network assisted Susan and helped her avoid the possibility of a disconnection of utility services to the household.

● Genevieve R lives with her mother, grandmother and two additional siblings. She came to  LAC+USC  as  a  patient and  her  social  worker referred her to Angel Interfaith Network  for  assistance. Due to the Covid Pandemic, the family is experiencing financial hardship. Thanks to your  monetary donations, Angel Interfaith Network assisted this extended family with past due utility bills, food gift cards and rental assistance to avoid being displaced.Urgent Needs:


As you read the client stories, we continue to see the critical need for funds to help with  rent,  utilities, and grocery store gift cards for food. As our patient’s needs continue and facing the  challenges of the Covid crisis, your financial support will help us to meet and provide for the urgent needs of patients and their families.   
Donations can be mailed to: AIN c/o St. Camillus Center: 1911 Zonal Ave. L A, CA 90033 
Please make checks payable to St. Camillus, with AIN on the memo line.   We welcome your wisdom, volunteer time and your renewed financial support. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, you can give or enroll online to become a Sustaining Angel: http// 323-409-6923
