Heidi Worthen Gamble

Heidi Worthen Gamble

Giving Tuesday 2014

You’ve heard of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, but what about Giving Tuesday? As part of a global charitable giving effort, we’re inviting Presbyterians across the country to support the work of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) on Tuesday,…

WANTED: Presbyterian Chaplain

The Consortium for Presbyterian Chaplaincy at L.A. County + USC Medical Center invites applications for a PRESBYTERIAN CHAPLAIN beginning January 1, 2015. Candidates should be ordained (or certified ready) as a Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), with a…

The Confirmation Project

The Confirmation Project seeks to learn the extent to which confirmation and equivalent practices (CEP) in five Protestant denominations in the United States are effective for strengthening discipleship in youth. Strengthening discipleship includes nurturing faith in Jesus Christ and facilitating youth encounters with…