Habitat Build Update in Culver City…

Building is expected to begin in the Fall of 2017 for ten units of Habitat housing on Globe Avenue across from Culver City Presbyterian Church. Our Presbytery has now raised over $180,000 for this build so far. That’s fantastic!!

Presbytery of the Pacific is now considered a corporate donor, which means that we will be given one Saturday per month for approximately 18 months.

As we get closer to the actual start of the build, the Habitat Presbytery Team will be contacting you, asking for a “Habitat Lead” person from each church in the Presbytery to begin coordinating a monthly build day Presbytery-wide. So stay tuned, and we will be contacting you soon!

Questions? Contact Habitat Co-Leaders Rev. Dr. Frances Rosenau and Rev. Dr. Frances Rosenau or Elder Judith Wong.