Immanuel Presbyterian Church is a Voting Location – Hosts Music Team for Election Day Voters

Election Day with Immanuel and Immanuel Music Team to Lift Voters’ Spirits 2-8PM!!
As many already know Immanuel is a voting location. The LA county elections team and their volunteers are set up in our basement Geneva Hall (see below). Tomorrow all afternoon the Immanuel Music team and special guests, led by Interim Music Lead September Penn and Spanish Music Lead Mariela Arredondo, will be leading a combination of live and recorded music in the Immanuel staff parking lot next to the Berendo entrance to the building. We are grateful to community partners LA Voice (and the McKinnor Group) for the funding to make this happen. If you are in the neighborhood, please come say hello. Our music leaders will be masked and practicing social distancing.

November 3: A Day of Fasting and Prayer
This election feels like a most unusual and significant one to me and many others. Please consider joining in prayer– and fasting, if you so choose– with other people of faith across Los Angeles and the interfaith community organizing network called LA Voice. Click here to view the Facebook Event and click here to register and find the zoom link.

Immanuel Serves as Early Voting Location
Last week week the church opened its doors to staff and volunteers from the LA County Registrar of Voters. Since Friday Geneva Hall (basement, immediately below the Parlor), has been open for voting. There is also a drop box on site. The voting location will be open today (11/2) until 7PM and tomorrow 11/3 (election day) from 7AM until 8PM. Our church staff will be hard at work periodically sanitizing surfaces in order to keep our space as safe and clean as possible for all who are coming to exercise their rights.

Mariela Arredondo releases songs to Get Out The Vote
Mariela is our Spanish music lead and she wrote a song and sings on the recording called “we were made for this” and her group What Up Pitches has produced another song called “Speak Up”. Both are intended to inspire our communities to get out the vote. Please speak with Mariela or Pastor Andy if you can think of a way to use either song to help get out the vote for this election.  See both songs here:
And the song “Speak Up” was set to a wonderful video on youtube:

Additionally Mariela just released another song entitled “Let’s Spend the Day Together” now available on Apple Music and elsewhere. It’s wonderful.

Hallelujah (Come Bless the Lord), A Song by September Penn reaches Big Audience, Recognition
We are so grateful to have among us September Penn, our Interim Music and Worship Lead. She has written, recorded and released a song, Hallelujah (Come Bless the Lord) and it is blessing many folks here at Immanuel and way beyond. It was recently featured in VoyageLA Magazine here and last week it reached #1 on the GospelUSA magazine chart for the Top 30 Independent Gospel Songs. Many congratulations to September for this amazing accomplishment!

Here is a link to view the song on youtube. 
  Opportunities to Give
Offering Envelopes/Automatic Payments
The church can mail you offering envelopes as needed. Alternatively if you would like your pledge to be debited from your account or charged to your credit card automatically, ask our office for an automatic payment form. Pastor Andy can refer you to the right person to do that so please contact him by cell at 510-684-1163 or email at
General Offering
This week and every week, we receive a monetary offering in support of our church programs and ministries.  Donations may be made online by clicking here.
Food Offering
This week and every week, we receive a financial offering in support of our Food Pantry ministry.  For more information, please click here.
Deacons Offering
Every first Sunday, we receive a monetary offering in support of our Deacons ministry. This offering may also be made online by clicking here.

Immanuel Online Website:
Facebook: IMMANUEL
Twitter:  @ImmanuelPresLA
Immanuel on Pinterest: click here
Immanuel on YouTube: ImmanuelPresLA  
NEW: Immanuel on Instagram: ImmanuelPresLA