Matthew 25 in the PC(USA):
A bold vision and invitation

To Leaders in the Presbytery of the Pacific,

At the May 14th Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of the Pacific, we voted unanimously to become a Matthew 25 Presbytery in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

We are a Presbytery already engaged in this work and we encourage all of our congregations to seriously consider becoming a Matthew 25 church. With the violence that has just happened in recent weeks in our country, we believe now more than ever the church needs to embrace the framework for mission of the Matthew 25 church movement in the PC(USA).  

What is a Matthew 25 church? Becoming a Matthew 25 church or mid-council in the PC(USA) originated from an overture to the General Assembly in 2016, inspired by Matthew 25:31-36, that was further developed and led by Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. It focuses the church today in three primary areas: building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty. Several churches in Pacific Presbytery have already committed to becoming Matthew 25 churches.

What is an example of Matthew 25 church? Here is the powerful video we saw at the May 14th Presbytery meeting of the homeless encampment ministry at St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Lomita. St. Mark’s is a Matthew 25 church in the PC(USA) and part of our Homeless and Housing Task Force in the Presbytery. What makes this a compelling example is that St. Mark’s is addressing deeper, structural causes of homelessness by focusing on housing and housing retention. It is a deeper way to love our neighbors and be the church engaged in our time, as a holistic witness to the love of God in Jesus Christ.

How can my church become a Matthew 25 church? Here is the website with more information. It typically takes a vote of session. Here is the slide presentation from Rev. Dr. Moffett that she presented at the Presbytery meeting–a great tool for presenting Matthew 25 to your church. 

As we move forward as the church and the world has changed, the church must be relevant and responsive to the presenting needs of our day. PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 movement has been a fresh movement of the Spirit during a very difficult and disorienting time. 

Please let us know if you have any questions. 

Grace and Peace be with you,

Rev. Heidi Worthen Gamble
Mission Castalyst, Pacific Presbytery