Category Mission

June E-Mission Newsletter

Please forward this information to Deacons, Mission Teams, Youth Leaders–anyone in your church with a heart and passion for mission. Also, please share emails of people in your church who would like to receive our mission e-news: Thank you! Grace…

April Edition: Angel Interfaith Network News

“Angel Interfaith Network’s mission focuses on personalized, neighbor-to-neighbor assistance to meet the urgent needs of patients served by L.A. County+USC Medical Center. Our commitment is to give relief to the poor in this community and bring hope to them when no other resource…

The Matthew 25 Movement: Take the Pledge to Protect and Defend Vulnerable People in the name of Jesus Advocate. DACA youth urgently need our advocacy! Congress has until December 8, 2017 to pass the Dream Act, which would make a pathway to citizenship for DACA. If…