A Word from General Presbyter, Rev. Linda Culbertson
LC.jpgTo Pastors and Elders of Church in the Presbytery of the Pacific: Grace and Peace be with you and your churches as we journey towards Holy Week. This is traditionally the time that Presbyterians receive the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering and I want to encourage you and your church to promote and give generously to OGHS this year. Because we operate as a connectional church as the PC(USA), much of our mission in Pacific Presbytery would not be possible without grant funding from the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. Some examples include: Pacific’s Immigrant Ministry, COVID disaster response fund, COVID grants to churches with food ministries, and our Self Development of People Grants. If you are not familiar with One Great Hour of Sharing’s three areas of focus and history, here is an article that explains the history and where your OGHS offering goes.  It is only Presbyterians who fund the Presbyterian witness that we are developing here in Pacific Presbytery in unique and important ways. Please promote the denomination’s OGHS offering this year and give as generously as you are able.

Thank you and God bless you. 

Rev. Linda Culbertson, General Presbyter